this may appear to be a jumble of random letters, but data analysts can extract meaningful insights from such data
data analysts are skilled at extracting valuable information from databases
SELECT school, course, degree FROM education
WHERE degree in ('bachelors', 'masters', 'phd')
school | course | degree |
singapore institute of technology | electrical engineering & IT | bachelors |
data analysts make data cleaning a breeze using python
skills = {
'java-Script':' 7',
'py.thoN ': 8.0,
'Power-bi': 'nine',
' tableau1': 5.5,
'S Q L': 'eight'
import pandas as pd
import re
text_to_num = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7, 'eight': 8, 'nine': 9, 'ten': 10}
df = pd.DataFrame(skills.items(), columns=['skill','rating'])
df['skill'] = df['skill'].str.replace(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '', regex=True).str.lower()
df['rating'] = df['rating'].map(lambda x: text_to_num[x.strip().lower()] if x in text_to_num else x).round().astype(int)
what does the code mean you might ask? what is more important is i look like i know what i'm doing
data analysts excel in crafting visualizations and charts
if u look closely, this webpage represents a vertical stacked bar chart with its x-axis at the top and y-axis on the right
so which charts do data analysts used the most?
data analysts play an important role in any organisation
if you are hiring or knows anyone who may be hiring and thinks I am a good fit for the company, please download a free copy of my resume below and let's get in touch. if you dont think I will be a good fit, please read my page again but this time only focus on the relevant details.
download CV